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In Defense of Church Metrics

Full disclosure: I’m a numbers guy.  I love them. I always have.

When I was a kid playing Bases Loaded on my Nintendo, I would track stats for all the baseball players on my team in a spiral-bound notebook since the game system didn’t do it for me. (By the way, #42 was my best hitter.)  When I was in junior high, I participated in the national MathCounts competition. When I was in high school, I competed on the Academic Team, with a specialty in Mathematics.  When I took the ACT exam, I scored a very high score on the Math portion. When I went to college, I earned a bachelor’s degree in statistics.  When I graduated college, I worked as a statistician for more than ten years.

So, yeah, I like numbers. A lot.

But as much as I love numbers, I love the church more. I have given my life to serve the church. And I often try to combine my love of numbers with my love for the church.

But, here’s what I know: not everyone in the church shares my affinity for numbers.  In fact, there are some who discourage or dismiss the use of numbers in the church altogether. They think that numbers are somehow unspiritual or worse, unbiblical.  But nothing could be further from the truth.

Numbers in and of themselves are morally neutral. They simply tell a story. Think about how important numbers help in other parts of life:

We would be foolish to ignore or dismiss the use of numbers in every other area of life, so why do we think it’s a good idea to ignore or dismiss numbers in the church?

After all, contrary to the claim that using numbers is an unbiblical practice, numbers are all over the Bible.  In fact, some assert that 1 out of every 5 verses in the Bible contains a number of some kind. While I don’t know if that’s an accurate estimate or not, I do know that numbers are in the Bible. A lot. As the old saying goes, there’s even an Old Testament book called Numbers!

But numbers are not just in the Old Testament.  They are all over the New Testament as well. Consider these examples just in the Gospels:

How do we know all these numbers in the Gospels?  Evidently, someone counted.

As the church is born in the book of Acts, you see numbers mentioned many times as well:

How do we know all these numbers in the book of Acts? Evidently, someone counted.

Beyond the book of Acts, we still see the significance of numbers in the New Testament:

So, again, numbers are quite significant in the Bible. If numbers were insignificant, there would be no need to include them in God’s Word. But the fact that they are there shows that God has a purpose for numbers.

I realize that was a lengthy list. But then again, I love numbers.

So, what does all this mean?  It means that the church should not ignore or dismiss numbers. In fact, the opposite is true.  Just like the dashboard in your car, the vital signs in the doctor’s office, the gauges in the cockpit, and the bottom line of a bank account, churches need to use appropriate metrics (numbers used to measure something) to gauge the health and vitality of the church, its ministries, and its impact for the kingdom of God.

What are some of those metrics?  The old cliché is that all churches have at least 3, called “the 3 B’s”: (1) Budgets, (2) Bodies, & (3) Baptisms.  It may be cliché, but churches better be measuring at least these three items.

However, there are many other metrics that churches can use to measure the health and effectiveness of their ministries. Over the next few months, I plan to include a weekly post which will highlight a different church metric that may be helpful for you and your church and your quest to fulfill the Great Commission.  We will deal with different categories such as attendance, conversions, discipleship and spiritual growth, facilities, finances, leadership, membership, outreach/missions, small groups, social media, and more.  I hope you will come back each week to check them out.

Did I mention that I love numbers?

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